educational adj. 教育(上)的;有关教育的。 the educational course 学历。 an educational worker 教育工作者。 an educational film 教育影片。 educational expenses 教育费。 an educational undertaking 教育事业。 adv. -ly 教育上,用教育方式。 -(al)ist n. 〔英国〕 1.教师。 2.教育学家。
To pay for its entire educational facilities 就足以支付全部教育设施开支
Educational facilities are basic to teaching activities 教学设施是学校从事教学活动的基本条件。
To provide educational facilities for the maha sangha and the laymen 提供僧团与在家居士受训的设施。
Recommended practice on lighting for educational facilities : high school and college 教育场所:中学和大学照明的推荐规程
The use of university libraries , laboratories , workshops and other educational facilities ; and 使用大学图书馆、实验室、工作坊及其他教育设施
The design of educational facilities is a very important part of the development of the school learning environment 教学设施建设是学校教学环境建设的重要方面。
David : what about the civic center or educational facilities ? aren ' t they supposed to be considering remodeling 大卫:那么市政中心或教育机构呢?这些建筑难道不考虑重盖吗
Many young chinese are denied chances of receiving higher education because of insufficient educational facilities 不少中国年青人由于教育设施的匮乏而得不到接受高等教育的机会。
Article 51 the state and society shall establish and develop educational facilities for minors to receive after - school education 第五十一条国家、社会建立和发展对未成年人进行校外教育的设施。
Ultimately , the chinese concluded that the u . s . had reneged on its promise , made by way of the , to give chinese access to educational facilities 中国最终认识到美国背弃了burlingame treaty中为中国留学生提供良好教育的承诺。